
Custom Title HGPlaceholders

drewg233 opened this issue · 8 comments

I have a very big app and do not want to make a placeholder for each screen I would like to provide context to about what is loading. (And also do not want a general 'loading' message). Is there currently a way to change the title/subtitle easily for each ViewController, from the ViewController itself?

I need this too. Please make a public method to do something like this:

tableView.placeholder.title = "No data to display"
tableView.placeholder.subTitle = "Please try update if you can"
tableView.placeholder.displayActionButton = false

And things like that..

It suppose to have a flexibility to pass, "Title", "Subtitle", "Action" bla bla bla, In custom placeHolder like,
self.tableView_.showLoadingPlaceholder(title: "This is optional Title", subtitle: "This is optional Subtitle", action: "This is optional action")

It will be good if you put it at high priority,
We need it ASAP

Please, really i need this. Please 💯 !!

No news about this?

Any update over this, I too need this.

@HamzaGhazouani please support this, if you need help let me know, but all the community realy need this, thanks in advance !

Please support this feature. This is very basic feature.

Hey guys,
I agree, I am not sure to have time in the next days to work on that, if someone can create a PR I will be more than happy to review and merge it :)