
Clock.setSeconds() weirdness

java-artisan opened this issue · 6 comments

I'm using the Clock to show the time stamp of data from a server machine. It is therefore disabled. The setter functions are used to set the hands accordingly.

The hours and minutes seem to work. The seconds however are working strange. Once in a while the seconds hand will move. But usually doesn't. While I'm pretty sure the seconds passed are in the expected range of 0 to 59.

I might be wrong, but it looks like the seconds hand is stuck at the 57 seconds position.

Thanks, yes the .setSecond() method is broken, I'll fix it. Simple fix, line 9407, is..
second = parseInt(newVlaue, 10) % 60;
should be...
newValue = parseInt(newValue, 10) % 60;

Version 0.14.9 uploaded that addresses this issue, can you confirm it is fixed?

I'll check it tonight and update accordingly.

Thanks !

On 05/27/2014 04:52 PM, Mark Crossley wrote:

Version 0.14.9 uploaded that addresses this issue, can you confirm it
is fixed?

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#13 (comment).

I've got one smoothly running clock now :-)

thanks !

On 05/27/2014 04:52 PM, Mark Crossley wrote:

Version 0.14.9 uploaded that addresses this issue, can you confirm it
is fixed?

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#13 (comment).

Thanks for the confirmation