
AreaHeatMap draw method speed up

palatinb opened this issue · 1 comments


I'm using your package for creating some heat map on an image, at a time it shows around 3-4 heat map, and I noticed it takes quite some time after all the calculations are done and when it finally show the heat maps. I checked and I noticed during that time it is working on the AreaHeatMap class specificly on these two methods
private void draw(final int LIMIT, final double RESOLUTION) {
private double getValueAt(final int LIMIT, final double X , final double Y) {

I tried to change the resolution but then it does not look as I would like to, so I would like to keep the resolution.

So my question is that would it be possible to speed up this process (e.g work on multiple heat maps at the same time but in different thread)?


@HanSolo Hello, Could you please help me with this? Thanks!