
IndexOutOfRange Exceptions while passing partials parameters inside #each

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Describe the bug

I have found I am unable to pass partials parameters while inside #each loops. I have distilled this down to a reproducible test.

ndlebarsDotNet.ObjectDescriptors.ObjectDescriptorProvider.<>c.<.cctor>b__7_0(ObjectDescriptor descriptor, Object o)
at HandlebarsDotNet.BindingContext.PopulateHash(HashParameterDictionary hash, Object from)
at HandlebarsDotNet.BindingContext.Initialize()
at HandlebarsDotNet.BindingContext.BindingContextPool.CreateContext(ICompiledHandlebarsConfiguration configuration, Object value, BindingContext parent, TemplateDelegate partialBlockTemplate)
at HandlebarsDotNet.Iterators.DictionaryIterator3.Iterate(EncodedTextWriter& writer, BindingContext context, ChainSegment[] blockParamsVariables, Object input, TemplateDelegate template, TemplateDelegate ifEmpty) at HandlebarsDotNet.Iterators.DictionaryIterator3.HandlebarsDotNet.Iterators.IIterator.Iterate(EncodedTextWriter& writer, BindingContext context, ChainSegment[] blockParamsVariables, Object input, TemplateDelegate template, TemplateDelegate ifEmpty)
at HandlebarsDotNet.Compiler.Iterator.Iterate(BindingContext context, EncodedTextWriter writer, ChainSegment[] blockParamsVariables, Object target, TemplateDelegate template, TemplateDelegate ifEmpty)
at HandlebarsDotNet.HandlebarsEnvironment.<>c__DisplayClass15_0.b__0(TextWriter writer, Object context, Object data)
at HandlebarsDotNet.HandlebarsEnvironment.<>c__DisplayClass16_0.b__0(Object context, Object data)
at csi.HTMLRender.Tests.HandlebarsTests.HandlebarsHelperTests.EachInsideIfConditionTest() in C:\repos\csi.HTMLRender\csi.HTMLRender.Tests\HandlebarsTests\HandlebarsHelperTests.cs:line 382

Expected behavior:

Exception shouldnt be thrown, and should be able to pass parameters to partials while inside an each loop

Test to reproduce

public void PartialParametersInsideEachTest()
string source = @"
                {{#each itemType}}
                    {{>partial item=this}}

            string partialContent = @"{{#if First}}printValue{{/if}}";

            Handlebars.RegisterTemplate("partial", partialContent);

            var template = Handlebars.Compile(source);

            var data = new
                itemType = new JObject()
                    ["1"] = "1",
                    ["3"] = "3",
                    ["5"] = "5",
                    ["7"] = "7"
            var result = string.Empty;
                result = template(data);
            catch (System.IndexOutOfRangeException ex)


            Assert.IsTrue(result.Contains("printValue"), "Result does not contain 'printValue'");

Other related info

handlebarsdotnet v 2.02,
Tested using .net core 3.1

After submitting the issue

Please consider contributing to the project by submitting a PR with a fix to the issue.
This would help to solve your problem in a shorter time as well as help other users of the project.

In case you do not know where to start - feel free to ask for help in the issue thread.

Building an active community is essential for any project survival as time of maintainers is limited.

Hello @mattbruc
Have you tried to reproduce the problem on the latest version (2.0.4)?

Hey, thanks for the response @zjklee. I did reproduce on 2.0.4 as well.

Looks similar to #422
I'd try to have a look once I have time.
In any case PR is welcome ;)

@mattbruc, after some digging it looks like the problem is related to the fact that you're using JObject. In case this is intended use I'd suggest you use Handlebars.Net.Extension.NewtonsoftJson

Ah, thank you very much, using Handlebars.Net.Extension.NewtonsoftJson solved it for me!