
Is is possible to provide helpers when the template is being rendered?

markdebhailis opened this issue · 1 comments

Using this sample as a reference https://github.com/Handlebars-Net/Handlebars.Net#registering-helpers

I would like to pass the helper implementation to the template e.g. here's some psuedo code

string source = @"Click here: {{link_to}}";

var template = Handlebars.Compile(source);

HandlebarsHelper link_to = "link_to", (writer, context, parameters) => 
    writer.WriteSafeString($"<a href='{context["url"]}'>{context["text"]}</a>");

var data = new {
    url = "https://github.com/rexm/handlebars.net",
    text = "Handlebars.Net",
    link_to = link_to

var helpers = new {
    link_to = x)

var result = template(data);

The above outputs Click here: HandlebarsDotNet.HandlebarsHelper but I want it to recognise that 'link_to' is a helper.

I know it's possible to register the helper after the template is compiled but I want to be able scope the function to a single template render operation.

No, it is not possible at the moment. I'd be happy to see PR enabling such behavior.