
UpperCamelCaseExpressionNameResolver configuration causing issues while working with HL7.FHIR.R4 version 5.5.1 in Handlebar.net

kalleo1996 opened this issue · 0 comments

Describe the bug

I've attempted to utilize fhir.r4 version 5.5.1 alongside the latest Handlebars.Net version 2.1.6. However, it appears that the configuration (UpperCamelCaseExpressionNameResolver), which we're adding to convert expression names, is causing some complications, leading to deviations from the expected behavior.
example Link : - LinkToExample

Expected behavior:

Regardless of whether we include "ExpressionNameResolver = new UpperCamelCaseExpressionNameResolver()" in the configurations, the following content should appear twice, reflecting the two entries in the bundle we provide.

<content xsi:type="OBSERVATION" archetype_node_id="openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.blood_pressure.v1">
        <value>there is entry</value>
<content xsi:type="OBSERVATION" archetype_node_id="openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.blood_pressure.v1">
        <value>there is entry</value>

Test to reproduce

full example is available in thisLink

using ConsoleApp1;
using HandlebarsDotNet;
using HandlebarsDotNet.Compiler.Resolvers;
using Hl7.Fhir.FhirPath;
using Hl7.Fhir.Model;
using Hl7.Fhir.Serialization;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
//Example 1
//with fhir resource data passing as data to template
var bundle = new Bundle
    Type = Bundle.BundleType.Collection

// Create the first entry
var entry1 = new Bundle.EntryComponent
    FullUrl = "fullurl1",
    Resource = new Observation
        Id = "observation1",
        Code = new CodeableConcept("http://loinc.org", "12345", "Some observation")

// Create the second entry
var entry2 = new Bundle.EntryComponent
    FullUrl = "fullurl2",
    Resource = new Observation
        Id = "observation2",
        Code = new CodeableConcept("http://loinc.org", "67890", "Another observation")

// Add the entries to the bundle

Hl7.Fhir.Model.Resource rs = bundle;
// Render the template with the bundle

var datax = new
    resource = rs

// here  having UpperCamelCaseExpressionNameResolver 
HandlebarsConfiguration s_configuration = new HandlebarsConfiguration { ExpressionNameResolver = new UpperCamelCaseExpressionNameResolver() };
//without having UpperCamelCaseExpressionNameResolver
//uncomment  the below  code  and check the behaviour without the UpperCamelCaseExpressionNameResolver
//HandlebarsConfiguration s_configuration = new HandlebarsConfiguration {  };
IHandlebars s_handlebars = Handlebars.Create(s_configuration);
var template = File.ReadAllText(@"./Textfiles/Composition-template.hbs");
var compiledTemplate = s_handlebars.Compile(template);
string templateOutput = compiledTemplate(datax);
//here with UpperCamelCaseExpressionNameResolver you will not get <content> under {{#each resource.entry}} but without UpperCamelCaseExpressionNameResolver u will get it .


Other related info

This phenomenon occurs specifically when we utilize HL7 FHIR R4 version 5.5.1 related FHIR resources. Hence, I suspect it might be attributed to a modification they implemented from their end.

After submitting the issue

please go through the issue and let me know whether there is any modification can be done to fix the given issue while we are using the specific configuration( pperCamelCaseExpressionNameResolver ) under handlebarconfigurations.