
Using a custom helper in a escaped string, and escaping a string argument to that helper is not handled correctly by Handlebars.Net

StefH opened this issue · 0 comments

Describe the bug

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Expected behavior:

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Working unit-test

    public void SelectToken_WithComplexTemplate()
        // Arrange
        const string requestAsJson = """
          "bodyAsJson": {
            "pricingContext": {
              "market": "US"
        var request = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(requestAsJson);

        // Use single quotes for the JsonPath else it will be parsed correctly by Handlebars.Net
        var action = _handlebarsContext.Compile("{\r\n  \"market\": \"{{JsonPath.SelectToken bodyAsJson '$.pricingContext.market'}}\",\r\n  \"languages\": \"en\"\r\n}");

        // Act
        var result = action(request);

        // Assert
        var expected = """
          "market": "US",
          "languages": "en"

Using escaped double quotes does not work:

"{\r\n  \"market\": \"{{JsonPath.SelectToken bodyAsJson \\\"$.pricingContext.market'}}\\\",\r\n  \"languages\": \"en\"\r\n}"

System.NullReferenceException : Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

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