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micswe commented
i tred to split a string and work with a each loop, but i unable to return the array. You can see my source test code for this.
public class HandlebarsHelpers
public static void RegisterHelpers()
Handlebars.RegisterHelper("stringToArray", (writer, context, parameters) =>
if (parameters.Length != 1 || parameters[0] == null)
throw new ArgumentException("stringToArray helper requires exactly one string parameter.");
string inputString = parameters[0].ToString();
var resultArray = inputString.Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
for (int i = 0; i < resultArray.Length; i++)
if (i < resultArray.Length - 1)
public static class hadlebartest
public static void handeltest()
// Registrierung der Helper
// Beispiel-Handlebars-Template
var source = @"
{{#each (stringToArray inputString)}}
var template = Handlebars.Compile(source);
// Kontext-Daten
var data = new
inputString = "apple, banana, cherry"
// Rendern des Templates mit den Daten
var result = template(data);
// The result shoud be
// My Result is
//< ul >
// < li > 27 </ li >
//</ ul >
//its the length of the string
I use .net 8 with Handlebars.Net 2.1.6