
Compatibility: Theme my login

mustafauysal opened this issue · 6 comments

@mustafauysal thanks for doing that. if anybody has a workaround, I'll take it.

@airplanenoise It should be working if you remove 'wp-login.php' !== $pagenow control in handle_login_request() function https://github.com/HandyPlugins/magic-login/blob/1.2.1/includes/login.php#L231

The root cause of the issue "theme my login" sets a different $pagenow and it leads to failing the automatic login process.

Maybe @jfarthing84 can help us out here?

@mustafauysal TML does not modify $pagenow. If you mean $pagenow is not wp-login.php, because it literally isn't, this is true.

I would suggest this plugin use the login_init hook instead of init. Then, the wp-login.php !== $pagenow would not be needed.

I would suggest this plugin use the login_init hook instead of init. Then, the wp-login.php !== $pagenow would not be needed.

@jfarthing84 Thanks for your quick reply.

@mustafauysal Is it possible to implement it?

@jfarthing84 Thanks for the input. I agree, login_init seems a better solution. However, I'm not sure all the plugins that modify the login URL have implemented the hook properly, perhaps passing a custom parameter and checking it would be better.

@techlawyers Yep! The next version (which I'm planning the release within 2 weeks will be compatible with TML)