
Suggestion: Add Attribute memory toggle in New Jewel box

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In the top left of the screen, there currently is a box titled "New Jewel" where you can enter in a Jewel size and its attributes, then add your jewel to the library. While this is simple and intuitive to use, I recently was setting up a pickaxe that needed 23 jewels - most of which were mining speed or copiously jewels. It was annoying to have to reselect the mining speed attribute every time I wanted to make another mining speed jewel.

As a solution to my frustration, I would like it if, next to the "new jewel" button, there was a toggle that would save the memory of the attribute types from the last jewel you added. So if you are going to add 10 mining speed jewels, you only need to select the mining speed attribute once, hit the toggle, then fill out the jewel size and mining speed amount 10 times. Then you can untoggle it and change attributes for whatever you are doing next.