
Refreshing the page sometimes may delete all but one tool (Chrome?)

Opened this issue · 9 comments

I refreshed my page and I only had one of my tools left in the tool library. This is the second time it happened. In both cases the most recent tool to be created was left. The first time I had 3, the second time I had 6, and ended up with 1 both times.

If you Inspect Element on the tool, does the toolList node have only one toolDisplay child, or are there more that are hidden, like here:

I'm hoping its the latter as that just means my filter code isn't cleaning up properly. I can't think of any reason it would actually be deleting tools.

unfortunately seems like the former

I tested creating some tools and reloading the page and it seemed fine, so either time or some other kind of interactoin may be at play

Okay, which browser?


Hm, I've mostly been testing on Firefox (a little in Edge) so maybe something to do with the local browser storage is unhappy on Chrome. I will look into that.

Since I can't seem to reproduce it I'm gonna specifically leave the localStorage code alone for now, and you'll have to let me know if it keeps happening.

Yesterday I had either 5 or 6 tools saved. Today I come check, refresh the page, and there's only 2 now. Before it only left the most recent, so something's different. Most of the tools I had saved before were blank/fresh tools (that I planned to jewel in the future or just for testing current jewel capacities). I had built one tool tho and that one stayed behind. So I'm thinking that maybe only fresh tools are getting deleted sometimes. I'd refreshed multiple times yesterday and it was fine, but only this morning, tools disappeared. Also, like before, the most recent tool stayed (on top of the built one), and the rest vanished.

I'll re-open for now so if anyone else has this issue its easier to find this thread. Will have to see if I can recreate it myself otherwise.