
Migration Error

AboutErfan opened this issue · 6 comments

Hi, When I want run php artisan migrate, I've got this error:

SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'laravel.pagebuilder__settings' doesn't exist

How I can fix this?

thanks a lot

We have the same problem on a fresh installation. Forcing a downgrade to v0.21.0 fixed the issue. But that of course is an old version of the package.

How I can fix this?

@AboutErfan You can manually copy over the migrations file from the vendor directory
and then execute
php artisan migrate

That will create the missing tables. Afterwards things run smoothly.


php artisan migrate

Before publishing the config file,

@ali-amento - I tried to do the same as well but could not succeed in this can you please make a small video about how to set this up from scratch and share the link here?

@ali-amento - I tried to do the same as well but could not succeed in this can you please make a small video about how to set this up from scratch and share the link here?

you need to delete the config/pagebuilder.php first before running the migrate command

you need to delete the config/pagebuilder.php first before running the migrate command

This was helpful... however, something seems to be wrong with the config file before publishing. The code looks like it wants to use a prefix:
'prefix' => 'pagebuilder__',
But that seems ti fail because the migration is just creating a table called pages, which I already have. Had it worked properly it would have created pagebuilder__pages which would be perfect. So I changed the migration code to use '_pages' and it ran. Knowing that wasn't the right fix, just an experiment, I went to rollback the migration, which fails with SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'laravel.pagebuilder__settings' doesn't exist.

So ironically the rollback wants to use correct naming with the prefix but the migration seems to totally ignore the prefix. This is Laravel version 9. I'm unable to even rollback my experiment.