
No publishable resources for tag [config].

hasnat3038 opened this issue · 6 comments

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="HansSchouten\LaravelPageBuilder\ServiceProvider" --tag=config

Have you migrate your db?

I have the same issue here, Laravel 10. There is no configuration file published nor migration files published for the provider/tag. Hence, @arif-x , there is no migrations to run!

you can refer here for setup this package @bfblackjack

@arif-x While the instructions may work in the video, it does not work in my copy nor does it appear to work nor @hasnat3038.

After installing the package via composer and then attempting to publish the vendor files, NO files are found for the service provider:

INFO No publishable resources for tag [config].

I have the same issue. LaravelPageBuilder does not show up as a publisher.
php artisan vendor:publish
Does not have it listed.

not working .