[NeurIPS 2023] Focus Your Attention when Few-Shot Classification

Primary LanguagePython

Focus Your Attention when Few-Shot Classification

PyTorch implementation of
Focus Your Attention when Few-Shot Classification
NeurIPS 2023


Since many pre-trained vision transformers emerge and provide strong representation for various downstream tasks, we aim to adapt them to few-shot image classification tasks in this work. The input images typically contain multiple entities. The model may not focus on the class-related entities for the current few-shot task, even with fine-tuning on support samples, and the noise information from the class-independent entities harms performance. To this end, we first propose a method that uses the attention and gradient information to automatically locate the positions of key entities in the support images, denoted as \emph{position prompts}. Then we employ the cross-entropy loss between their many-hot presentation and the attention logits to optimize the model to focus its attention on the key entities during fine-tuning. This ability then can generalize to the query samples. Our method is applicable to different vision transformers (e.g., columnar or pyramidal ones), and also to different pre-training ways (e.g., single-modal or vision-language pre-training). Extensive experiments show that our method can improve the performance of full or parameter-efficient fine-tuning methods on few-shot tasks.


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title={Focus Your Attention when Few-Shot Classification},
author={Haoqing Wang and Shibo Jie and Zhi-Hong Deng},
booktitle={Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems},


  • Python >= 3.6
  • PyTorch >= 1.7.0 and Torchvision >= 0.8.0
  • timm == 0.3.2
  • cvxpy >= 1.1.19 && qpth == 0.0.15
  • clip == 1.0


We use the benchmark from CrossDomainFewShot, including CUB, Cars, Places and Plantae datasets, and also use two other fine-gained datasets: Aircraft and Pets. Please download these datasets and put them to respective paths, e.g., filelists/cub or filelists/pets, then process them with following commands.

  • Set xxx to: cub, cars, places, plantae, aircraft or pets.
cd filelists/xxx
python write_xxx_filelist.py

Pre-trained model

We use the following pre-trained vision transformers: DINO_ViT-B/16_IM1K, iBOT_Swin-T/7_IM1K and CLIP_ViT-B/16. Please download them and put them on the folder ./Pretrain.


change --dataset, --n_way and --n_shot for different settings, change --backbone and --pretrain for different backbones and pre-trained models.

  1. Machine learning classifier

set --method to NN, RR or SVM.

python ml_classifier.py --dataset cub --method NN --n_way 20 --n_shot 1
  1. Inductive meta-solver

set --method to ProtoNet, R2D2 or MetaOptNet.

python meta_solver.py --dataset cub --method ProtoNet --n_way 20 --n_shot 1
  1. Linear probing
python linear_prob.py --dataset cub --ft_epoch 20 --ft_lr 1e-2 --n_way 20 --n_shot 1
  1. Full or parameter-efficient fine-tuning

For ViT-B/16 pre-trained on ImageNet-1K with DINO:

python vpt.py --dataset cub --ft_epoch 10 --ft_lr 1e-2 --n_way 20 --n_shot 1 --reset_head True
python vit_finetune.py --dataset cub --ft_epoch 5 --ft_lr 1e-5 --n_way 20 --n_shot 1 --reset_head True --P 14 --tau 1. --alpha 3e-2
python vit_ssf.py --dataset cub --ft_epoch 10 --ft_lr 5e-3 --n_way 20 --n_shot 1 --reset_head True --P 14 --tau 1. --alpha 1e-1
python vit_lora.py --dataset cub --ft_epoch 10 --ft_lr 5e-3 --n_way 20 --n_shot 1 --reset_head True --P 14 --tau 1. --alpha 5e-1

For Swin-T/7 pre-trained on ImageNet-1K with iBOT:

python swin_finetune.py --dataset cub --ft_epoch 5 --ft_lr 5e-5 --n_way 20 --n_shot 1 --reset_head True --P 7 --tau 10. --alpha 3e-1
python swin_ssf.py --dataset cub --ft_epoch 10 --ft_lr 5e-3 --n_way 20 --n_shot 1 --reset_head True --P 7 --tau 20. --alpha 5e-1
python swin_lora.py --dataset cub --ft_epoch 10 --ft_lr 5e-3 --n_way 20 --n_shot 1 --reset_head True --P 7 --tau 10. --alpha 3e-1

For ViT-B/16 from CLIP:

python coop.py --dataset cub --ft_epoch 10 --ft_lr 1e-2 --n_way 20 --n_shot 1
python tip-adapter.py --dataset cub --ft_epoch 10 --ft_lr 5e-3 --n_way 20 --n_shot 1
python plot.py --dataset cub --ft_epoch 10 --ft_lr 5e-3 --n_way 20 --n_shot 1

--reset_head controls whether to use classifier initialization; set --alpha to 0. for base fine-tuning methods.


For the visualization of position prompts, the patches covering 95% attention and full attention maps, please restore the commented-out visualization code and set 'eposide_num = 1' in vit_finetune.py, vit_lora.py and vit_ssf.py, then run the commands like

python vit_finetune.py --dataset cub --ft_epoch 5 --ft_lr 1e-5 --n_way 20 --n_shot 1 --reset_head True --P 14 --tau 1. --alpha 3e-2
python vit_finetune.py --dataset pets --ft_epoch 5 --ft_lr 1e-5 --n_way 20 --n_shot 1 --reset_head True --P 14 --tau 10. --alpha 1.

python vit_ssf.py --dataset cub --ft_epoch 10 --ft_lr 5e-3 --n_way 20 --n_shot 1 --reset_head True --P 14 --tau 1. --alpha 1e-1
python vit_ssf.py --dataset pets --ft_epoch 10 --ft_lr 5e-3 --n_way 20 --n_shot 1 --reset_head True --P 14 --tau 1. --alpha 8e-2

python vit_lora.py --dataset cub --ft_epoch 10 --ft_lr 5e-3 --n_way 20 --n_shot 1 --reset_head True --P 14 --tau 1. --alpha 5e-1
python vit_lora.py --dataset pets --ft_epoch 10 --ft_lr 5e-3 --n_way 20 --n_shot 1 --reset_head True --P 14 --tau 1. --alpha 1e-1

Here we use the ViT-B/16 pre-trained on ImageNet-1K with DINO for backbone initialization.


We need single GPU with 32G memory for fine-tuning all models, e.g., Tesla V100-32G.