
Two comics books repack failed

jlhg opened this issue · 6 comments

jlhg commented

The following two comics books repack failed, resulting in the incorrect page order.

  • 藤本樹短篇集 22-26: 人魚狂想曲
  • 藤本樹短篇集 22-26: 預言的那由多


Unexpected ... I'm working on it, thank you for proposing this issue.

Fixed in the latest version.

jlhg commented

There's an error for the latest version.

============> 开始初始化程序
输入目录为: /mnt/hgfs/Share/moe/repacker
输出目录为: /mnt/hgfs/Share/moe/repacker/output
============> 开始提取图片并打包文件
on 0: 开始解析  [Mox][藤本樹短篇集 22-26]人魚狂想曲.kepub
on 0: [藤本樹短篇集 22-26]人魚狂想曲 => 开始提取
Mox.moe |⚠                                       | (!) 0/4 [0%] in 0.5s (0.00/s)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "MoeKepub2Cbz.py", line 140, in <module>
    comic_src = loadZipImg(file_t, cachefolder=cachefolder)
  File "MoeKepub2Cbz.py", line 95, in loadZipImg
    html_list: list = htmlExtractToList(extract_dir)
  File "MoeKepub2Cbz.py", line 65, in htmlExtractToList
    soup_0 = BeautifulSoup(volopf.read(), features='xml')
  File "/home/jlhg/.pyenv/versions/3.8.5/lib/python3.8/site-packages/bs4/__init__.py", line 248, in __init__
    raise FeatureNotFound(
bs4.FeatureNotFound: Couldn't find a tree builder with the features you requested: xml. Do you need to install a parser library?

Unfortunately I was unable to reproduce this error using the same comic file. I update the program with an extra packaging, and you can retry if it's going well.

P.S. I notice that you're using Python 3.8. Although this may not be the cause, I recommend that you switch to Python 3.9 and retry. (This program also tests well on Python 3.8 on my side)

jlhg commented

Installing lxml package can resolve that issue:

pip install lxml

Maybe you can add lxml==4.9.2 to the requirements.txt file.

Very useful advice. I updated the requirement.txt file. Thanks.