
Evernote note stops import

Closed this issue · 10 comments

The attached note (originally from the Evernote web clipper I think) will stop a Quiver import. Quiver doesn't crash, but silently stops importing with no new notebook visible in the UI. Quitting and restarting Quiver displays the new imported notebook, with all notes present up and including to this one (which is displayed sans content).

The exported note looks valid if messy in an editor, but I've only had a glance as I don't really know what to look for. (I've renamed the .enex to .txt to keep the github uploader happy)


ylian commented

Thanks. Yep, an exception was thrown. Should be trivial to fix.

ylian commented

It's due to an empty resource, no filename, no data. Might be a reminder, but not yet sure. I will fix the exception in 3.0.1.

It's a pretty old note (2007!). Not sure if Evernote even had reminders then. I removed it from my export file, and the same thing happened a few notes along, so maybe it was a transient issue around the time those notes were created? Anyway presumably not worth investigating far, so long as you can get Quiver to continue the import.

Having said that, I'm assuming that the errant note will be imported rather than skipped over after the fix. If not, then you probably should consider making some kind of log reporting skipped notes available to the user.

ylian commented

It's just en empty resource, which isn't clear to me what is for. I can just skip that resource.

ylian commented

Try this build: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3445731/Quiver%203.0.1b1.zip

I added a line to skip the empty resource.

ylian commented

This is the empty resource:

    <data encoding="base64"/>

This is the link to the empty resource:

<a href="http://www.1and1.com/?k_id=10219574" target="_blank">
    <en-media style="margin: 1em;" width="140" height="28" alt="Banner" border="0" align="right" type="text/html" hash="d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"/>

The resource's type is text/html, maybe an iframe for an ad banner? Probably we can just ignore it.

ylian commented

Haha, the original webpage hasn't changed since 2007. The empty resource is a banner that doesn't load on the original webpage. Go to http://javascript.crockford.com/ and scroll to the bottom.

screen shot 2015-11-22 at 8 28 49 pm

Well it's not like much javascript-related has changed since 2007, has it? So Mr. Crockford can safely relax.

That build works well for me -- just imported the whole of the notebook that note came from without problems. It's an archive notebook with about 5000 pretty crufty old notes (lots of web clippings) so I thought it would give Quiver a good workout (up to now I've mostly used it for manually-typed notes).

Anyway thanks, that works for me.

ylian commented

Awesome. Thanks for the bug report.

ylian commented

Fixed in 3.0.1.