
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Klientské aplikace v Javascriptu - term paper

Project was supposed to aim at university students who share flats with other students and offer them fine centralised "information system" about their daily house issues. Unfortunately goal was too big to accomplish and thus only basic functionality is provided. Project structure documentation and extra information including screenshots can be found in extra folder



  • npm install - run once to install all modules listed in package.json


  • babelify to compile ES6 to older Javascript
  • browserifyto be able to use require
  • jQuery library to not write so much code



Assignment fulfillment

My humble summary so you do not have to search for every detail

Requirement fulfillment
HTML5 validity Validator says ok
Browser validity Seems ok, tested on Firefox, GoogleChrome, Opera
semantic tag not sure, but I guess so
Graphic - SVG/CANVAS SVG icons used in todo section
Media - Audio/Video No
Form features Yes
Offline application It works offline, but I'm not using status from js nor manifest
Advanced selectors Yes
Vendor prefixes No
CSS3 Transofrmation Yes, 2D - SVG litter bin rotates
CSS3 transitions Yes, e.g. signIn/signUp forms
Media queries More no - it is responsive just a little
OOP approach Yes, database
JS framework/library Yes, jQuery
Advanced JS API Yes, Drag and Drop, localStorage, (maps)
Working history No
Controlling media No
Offline applikace It works offline, but I'm not using status from js nor manifest
JS práce se SVG More like no, I work in css with SVG
Completness Eh :/
Appearance Ehm :(

I also recommend to look at already mentioned full documentation