CareerClimb - Dynamic Career Page

Welcome to the CareerClimb repository! This project showcases a dynamic career page application built using the MERN stack technology. CareerClimb is designed to connect job seekers with diverse career opportunities through an intuitive user interface and real-time job updates.


Live Link

Check out the live version of the app: CareerClimb Live Demo


  • Fetches job listings with titles and images from the backend API for real-time updates.
  • User-friendly frontend developed with React, react-router-dom, and styled-components.
  • Securely stores user application data, including name, email, and more, in the MongoDB database through the backend API.
  • Smooth navigation with react-router-dom, providing a seamless browsing experience.

Backend Repository

The backend part of this application is available in a separate repository. You can find it here: careerclimb-backend


Contributions to CareerClimb are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue.

Happy coding! 🎉