404 Not Found in the first doc example
javierarocena opened this issue · 4 comments
javierarocena commented
Hi, I'm trying the first doc example of kia:
import Kia from "https://deno.land/x/kia@0.4.0/mod.ts";
// Just a function to async sleep
function sleep(ms: number) {
return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
const kia: any = new Kia("I will be back in about 3 seconds");
await sleep(3000) // or any other async action that'll take some time
kia.succeed("Action completed");
And console give me this error:
error: Import 'https://deno.land/x/kia@0.4.0/mod.ts' failed: 404 Not Found
Thanks :)
yoroshikun commented
Looks like kia 0.4.0 has been removed from deno.land, 0.3.0 seems to exist so can use that
javierarocena commented
Thanks @yoroshikun, its works!
But now I got this weird characters:
-->  Action completed
- Windows 10
- Powershell or Bash
Any ideas?
yoroshikun commented
Most likely the font being used for your terminal does not have the symbol used for the tick?
HarryPeach commented
Not sure why 0.4.0 was removed from deno.land but the new update to 0.4.1 should resolve the original issue anyway if you update your dependencies accordingly :)