Created by Shubham Kumar and other contributors
Visit: Plant-Disease-Detector
My Article in TowardsDataScience
Models are trained on the preprocessed dataset which can be downloaded here.
Make Sure the Docker is installed in your local Machine. Click Here to know that how to install Docker
$ git clone $ cd Plant_Disease_Detection $ docker build -t fastai-v3 . $ docker run --rm -it -p 8080:8080 fastai-v3
Go to http://localhost:8080/ to test your app.
$ git clone $ cd Plant_Disease_Detection $ docker build -t fastai-v3 . $ docker run --rm -it -p 8080:8080 fastai-v3
Go to http://localhost:8080/ to test your app.
Note: Windows 10 Pro required.
Google Cloud Platform:
The complete guideline to deploy the Plant Disease Detection App can be found here
Google Cloud Platform (Intermediate) - The complete tutorial can be found here
Gradient (Easy) - The complete tutorial can be found here
AWS EC2 (Advance) - The complete tutorial can be found here
Name | No of Classes | Class Names |
Apple | 04 | 'Apple___Apple_scab','Apple___Black_rot','Apple___Cedar_apple_rust' 'Apple___healthy' |
Blueberry | 01 | 'Blueberry___healthy' |
Cherry | 02 | 'Cherry_(including_sour)Powdery_mildew', 'Cherry(including_sour)_healthy' |
Corn | 04 | 'Corn___Cercospora_leaf_spot', 'Corn___Common_rust','Corn___Northern_Leaf_Blight','Corn___healthy' |
Grape | 04 | 'Grape___Black_rot','Grape___Esca_(Black_Measles)','Leaf_blight_(Isariopsis_Leaf_Spot)','Grape___healthy' |
Orange | 01 | 'Orange___Haunglongbing_(Citrus_greening)' |
Peach | 02 | 'Peach___Bacterial_spot','Peach___healthy' |
Pepper | 02 | 'Pepper,_bell___Bacterial_spot','Pepper,_bell___healthy' |
Potato | 03 | 'Potato___Early_blight','Potato___Late_blight','Potato___healthy' |
Raspberry | 01 | 'Raspberry___healthy' |
Soyabean | 01 | 'Soybean___healthy' |
Squash | 01 | 'Squash___Powdery_mildew' |
Strawberry | 02 | 'Strawberry___Leaf_scorch','Strawberry___healthy' |
Tomato | 10 | Tomato: 'Bacterial_spot','Early_blight', 'Late_blight', 'Leaf_Mold', 'Septoria_leaf_spot', 'Spider_mites','Target_Spot', 'Yellow_Leaf_Curl_Virus', 'Mosaic_virus', 'Healthy' |
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When using any part of this repo, please cite: Plant Village Paper.