
Improvement on send file to wsa

ArjixWasTaken opened this issue · 1 comments

This is my version of PushtoWSA

@echo off
set "package=%1"

where /q adb

    ECHO adb is not in PATH, make sure you have it installed and in PATH.
    EXIT /B
) ELSE (
    adb connect
    adb push %1 ./storage/emulated/0/Download

::By ArjixWasTaken

You can place it in the shell:sendto folder so that its in the context menu when you right click.

This version requires that adb is in PATH instead of a specific folder.

Sadly it doesn't work for folders, but I'll look into it to see if folders can be supported.

Ok I will try this . If it works at expected I will update the pushtowsa