
No answerscripts execution on IRC

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I've tried setting it to reply back as well as running a command, nothing works on IRC for me.
It does work on Yahoo, AIM, MSN and XMPP however.

No errors in .xsession-errors, I have tried a 00-* and a 01-* script, neither works.
Anyone know what I did wrong? // What causes this?

It works on IRC, but only on PM messages (/query). Chat is different mechanism and i think it's bit resource expensive to process all messages from chat using answerscripts. but i will at least think about it...

Ah, only in private messages ><
Figures then, I assumed in channel as well.
It would be nice, though I don't really need it, private messages work well enough for me.
But I imagine other people wanting it to work in the chat.

Well i think i will add it, but it will be disabled in answerscript.sh by default...

Finaly implemented! :-)