
[Correction] nat traversal

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I am using wireguard because it allows for an easy setup with NAT traversal,
probided I have a wireguard endpoint that serves as central point.

The services you list almost all show no "nat traversal" support but the ones supporting it are somehow doing the same thing: they rely on another server.

I thin kit is misleading. Wireguard can go through bad 4G mobile firewalled networks all right, provided there is a server somewhere with a fix IP.

Ruakij commented

I am not sure what exactly you mean with Nat-Traversal, but in this context it only describes if that project can somehow establish a connection between 2 peers which are behind NAT.

I believe the "central point" topology you mention doesnt really match this definition as the 2 peers dont actually have a direct connection between eachother.
Of course you can route packets over a relay, but you still havent traversed NAT by this definition (which is closer to "hole-punching" than "traversal" alone)

Granted, the defintion could be updated to include that these peers have a direct connection. But i think the mention of "NAT hole-punching" makes it clear what is meant.

Indeed, and wireguard can do that if the NAT is properly configured, no ?
Others like netguard rely on a third-party central point (a STUN or a TURN server), so they don't really fit in the definition ?

Ruakij commented

Wireguard could do that, if you used static IPs on both peers. When the IP is changing, you need someone to keep track, like using STUN.

This is how i understand the definition here: When the project allows you to take at least 2 peers with potential dynamic IPs, behind NAT and connect them directly toeachother (however that may happen), it checks this box.

Granted, wireguard can do dynamic IP clients/NAT traversal (using PersistentConnection, works very well) but endpoints need to have a static IP.

HarvsG commented

I agree with the above discussion.
NAT traversal should, perhaps, be NAT hole-punching. Can two peers with unknown/dynamic IP:PORT establish a direct wireguard connection reliably? This is nearly always going to by getting up-to-date endpoint information from some other member of the network or a control server.
A wireguard connection routed via a central server is a hub and spoke model and therefore not a mesh.
