Raylib is not being installed in Ubuntu
juanjavatus opened this issue · 10 comments
I've installed photon and I've tried to execute the basic code to simply open the ui window and I have got the following error:
Sources/c/main.c:7:10: fatal error: raylib.h: No existe el archivo o el directorio.(File or folder does not exists)
What should i do?
Thanks in advance
Hey Juan, welcome to Photon!
This looks like a broken installation. Which OS are you using?
This problem is because raylib was not installed properly. I've checked here installation and it seems that raylib was not updated there. I'll have to fix that.
In the mean time you can install raylib using choco, which is installed by default on windows, or your package manager on linux.
Will write here when I have a fix for that. Thanks for reporting :)
Hi Will, I'm using Xubuntu 20.04. I will install raylib outside, no problem.
Taking advantage of the passing river, I have some questions, for example, how can I handle files in photon?
Thanks for all. Great job.
Hey, Juan! Ok, great!
For those questions, maybe it is better to join our discord channel. You'll get better support there.
And thanks :)
I Installed raylib as follows:
Install required libraries (ALSA, Mesa)
sudo apt install libasound2-dev mesa-common-dev libx11-dev libxrandr-dev libxi-dev xorg-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev -
Download the raylib repository from, then compile it:
git clone https://github.com/raysan5/raylib.git raylib
cd raylib/src/
Install the library to the standard directories:
sudo make install
Now, executing my main.w file I get the following error:
Compilation error. Check errors above.
These "errors" above are a big list, I can share it if you'd need.
Something went wrong...
It is easier to install it with your package manager. Because all sources and dependencies will be available in your PATH.
I would try that first. You can share the log, so we can check exactly what is the problem.
It seems in Ubuntu there isn't package manager and the way I did I found it in raylib github... You can do it static or shared, I don't know if this could be the problem, I chose static. I'll try the other way.
You will need the shared library available through your linker.
It will use the -lraylib flag to compile it. Another alternative is to copy the shared library in the Sources/c/ folder
So it will be available locally.
I solved the problem. I recompiled with shared option. Yes! Thank you very much.
Great! Closing :)
Actually, I will change the title because the issue is still present. We need to implemented the raylib installation automatically.