Clinic Management with C++


This is a simple Clinic Management System implemented in C++ language. The system allows users to manage patients and appointments in a clinic. It provides basic functionality such as adding patients, viewing patient details, adding appointments, viewing appointments, and canceling appointments.


  • Patient Management:

    • Add new patients with details such as name, address, and phone number.
    • View a list of all patients.
  • Appointment Management:

    • Schedule appointments for patients with specified dates and times.
    • View a list of all appointments.
    • Cancel appointments by ID.

Getting Started


  • Ensure you have a C++ compiler installed on your system.


  1. Clone the repository:

    $ git clone
  2. Compile the program:

    $cd clinic-management gcc main.c clinic.c -o clinic_system
  3. Run the executable:

  4. Follow the on-screen menu to interact with the Clinic Management System.


  • This project was created as a learning exercise for C++ programming.
  • Feel free to use and modify the code for educational and non-commercial purposes.