
Not working

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Stopped working

I'm unable to reproduce the issue. However, I am seeing a resource fetching error in ViolentMonkey on both Firefox and Chrome. It seems that the required GM_config.js file isn't consistently available from openuserjs.org. Currently, visiting the site sometimes gives me a server error. This may resolve itself eventually.

I've made several attempts of clearing my browser cache in both Firefox and Chrome to force a re-fetching of the file, but the script still worked fine for me (could be a fluke though). This may be the problem, but it's unlikely, as the script only has to fetch the file once for it to be stored in your browser cache. A refresh or two of the YouTube video (which I assume you've tried) would have resolved the issue if it were this simple.

You can try replacing the GM_config.js file's source to a more reliable one, but otherwise you may just have to wait until the issue can be consistently reproduced for someone to go about fixing it.

  1. In your userscript manager, open the edit page for youtube-auto-liker.
  2. Find the following line:
// @require        https://openuserjs.org/src/libs/sizzle/GM_config.js
  1. Replace with the following line:
// @require        https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sizzlemctwizzle/GM_config/master/gm_config.js
  1. Save the changes and reload a YouTube video which auto-liker's settings are configured to act on.


Getting this error when my manager tries to update

Ensure that you are on version 1.3.25. Don't install from openuserjs.org use the recommended GitHub link in the readme. The Openuserjs link has the (outdated) version 1.3.19 published on June 17.

On the latest version of auto-liker, the update function in Violentmonkey works correctly, but you may still get the resource fetching error I described above. You can re-apply the fix I outlined, or wait for the pull request I just submitted to be merged. I didn't think this fetching error would be persistent.

Version 1.3.25 from Github