
Admin cannot validate email from the user's profile view.

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Admin can validate email only from dropdown of pending verifications, not by visiting user's profile page.
Screenshots attached:

  1. Admin's all user view page. 'Himanshu Local' is not yet verified after signing up

Admin User list

2. Visiting Himanshu's User page. Top right shows the Admin ID

User profile page of Not verified by mail

3. On clicking the small hyperlink of validate (below the email address), we are redirected to verify url, which shows the user is already validated. **Tries to validate admin's own account, which is already validated**

On clicking the validate link in user profile

Expected flow : validate the user whose profile is being visited.
Could anyone please tell if this is the intended flow ?


True, this is currently not possible, and it has not been an intended use case/flow so far. But I understand the use case of it, and I think it would make sense to have this kind of functionality. I'll put it as "enhancement"; we would also of course accept pull requests. I could imagine something like a button which says "Mark user/email as valid" if you're logged in as an Admin, and if you're viewing some other profile than your own.

Thank you for the reply @DonMartin76 !