
Casts inserted and I don't know why

Simn opened this issue · 2 comments

Simn commented

I'm currently trying to make the haxe-formatter benchmarks work with --hxb and --hxb-lib, and the only target that's still failing is hxcpp. The -D dump output between both compilations is equal, but the .cpp files have various places that look like this:


Another one is this:


Which fails with this:

./src/formatter/marker/wrapping/MarkWrapping.cpp(289): error C2039: 'StaticCast': is not a member of 'hx::ObjectPtr<tokentree::utils::BrOpenType_obj>'
include\tokentree/utils/BrOpenType.h(9): note: see declaration of 'hx::ObjectPtr<tokentree::utils::BrOpenType_obj>'

I don't know what state we're not tracking that would allow an equal -D dump output to generate different things. I'm thinking it must be something related to physical equality, but I can't immediately find anything of the sort.

Advice appreciated!

Simn commented

Found it! The problem was that the hxb reader kept the cf_type as TLazy, and some part of gencpp doesn't follow it before matching it seems. This didn't show up in the dump because the printer does follow lazies. The fix was then to update cf_type. Timers look great as well:


name                                                                                      | time(s) |   % |  p% |      # | info
command                                                                                   |   1.719 |  51 |  51 |      1 |
  haxelib/tokentree/1,0,23/src/ -I -IC:\\git\\haxe\\std/cpp/_std/ -IC:\\git\\haxe\\std/   |   1.719 |  51 | 100 |      1 | haxelib run hxcpp Build.xml haxe -Dformatter="1.9.1" -Dhaxe="5.0.0-alpha.1" -Dhaxe3="1" -Dhaxe4="1" -Dhaxe_ver="5.000" -Dhaxeparser="3.3.0" -Dhxargs="3.0.2" -Dhxcpp_api_level="430" -Dhxcpp_smart_strings="1" -Dhxjsonast="1.0.1" -Dhxparse="4.3.0" -Djson2object="3.11.0" -Dsource_header="Generated by Haxe 5.0.0-alpha.1+68a393839" -Dstatic="1" -Dtarget.atomics="1" -Dtarget.name="cpp" -Dtarget.static="1" -Dtarget.sys="1" -Dtarget.threaded="1" -Dtarget.unicode="1" -Dtarget.utf16="1" -Dtokentree="1.0.23" -Dutf16="1" -I./ -IC:/git/benchmark-runner/.haxelib/formatter/1,9,1/src/ -IC:/git/benchmark-runner/.haxelib/hxargs/git/ -IC:/git/benchmark-runner/.haxelib/hxjsonast/1,0,1/src/ -IC:/git/benchmark-runner/.haxelib/json2object/git/src/ -IC:/git/benchmark-runner/.haxelib/hxparse/git/src/ -IC:/git/benchmark-runner/.haxelib/haxeparser/git/src/ -IC:/git/benchmark-runner/
generate                                                                                  |   0.602 |  18 |  18 |    350 |
  cpp                                                                                     |   0.350 |  10 |  58 |      2 |
  hxb                                                                                     |   0.252 |   7 |  42 |    348 |
    DataBuilder                                                                           |   0.052 |   2 |  21 |      1 | json2object.reader
    Printer                                                                               |   0.014 |   0 |   6 |      2 | haxe.macro
macro                                                                                     |   0.308 |   9 |   9 |    741 |
  jit                                                                                     |   0.021 |   1 |   7 |    493 |
typing                                                                                    |   0.302 |   9 |   9 |    205 |
parsing                                                                                   |   0.189 |   6 |   6 |    415 |
filters                                                                                   |   0.161 |   5 |   5 |  29925 |
analyzer                                                                                  |   0.099 |   3 |   3 |  85597 |
total                                                                                     |   3.384 | 100 | 100 | 117237 |


name                                                          | time(s) |   % |  p% |    # | info
command                                                       |   1.659 |  76 |  76 |    1 |
  / -I -IC:\\git\\haxe\\std/cpp/_std/ -IC:\\git\\haxe\\std/   |   1.659 |  76 | 100 |    1 | haxelib run hxcpp Build.xml haxe -Dhaxe="5.0.0-alpha.1" -Dhaxe3="1" -Dhaxe4="1" -Dhaxe_ver="5.000" -Dhxcpp_api_level="430" -Dhxcpp_smart_strings="1" -Dsource_header="Generated by Haxe 5.0.0-alpha.1+68a393839" -Dstatic="1" -Dtarget.atomics="1" -Dtarget.name="cpp" -Dtarget.static="1" -Dtarget.sys="1" -Dtarget.threaded="1" -Dtarget.unicode="1" -Dtarget.utf16="1" -Dutf16="1" -I
generate                                                      |   0.368 |  17 |  17 |    2 |
  cpp                                                         |   0.368 |  17 | 100 |    2 |
typing                                                        |   0.061 |   3 |   3 |    1 |
filters                                                       |   0.033 |   2 |   2 | 1191 |
hxb                                                           |   0.031 |   1 |   1 | 3976 |
  read                                                        |   0.031 |   1 | 100 | 3976 |
    MDF                                                       |   0.011 |   0 |  34 |  257 |
hxblib                                                        |   0.021 |   1 |   1 |  258 |
  get bytes                                                   |   0.020 |   1 |  95 |  257 |
total                                                         |   2.176 | 100 | 100 | 6056 |
Simn commented

The only diff I'm now seeing in the generated files is related to stack frame IDs:


It's not clear to me why this would change, but I suppose it's also not very important.