
GW1 second account still references old gw.dat location and unable to multibox.

svefn opened this issue · 1 comments

svefn commented

Hi, I have the latest build 7254. I launched first GW1 account with its .dat in folder 1. Then created a new gw.dat at folder 2 for the second account.

I launched second account while the first is active but it shows error that the first gw.dat is in use, and the .dat mentioned is at folder 1 location instead of the new one created in folder 2. I tried to let it create a .dat automatically but it still says the first gw.dat is in use, and doesn't use the second newly created .dat.

When the second account is launched first then it works on its own, but when I launch the first account, the same error happens, despite the two having individual gw.dat in different folders.

I have to use gwlauncher for multiboxing to work. I remember it used to work wit GW2Launcher which is why I moved to it but lately it doesn't work again?

svefn commented

I noticed that launching GW1 (directly from the gw.exe) removes permissions in the security for gw.dat and gw.exe files (Gw.dat Properties > Security pane):

No permissions have been assigned for this object.

Warning: this is a potential security risk because anyone who can access this object can take ownership of it. The object’s owner should assign permissions as soon as possible.

So I added my users and allowed access, for both first and second account's .dat files and am able to multibox. But after I closed these accounts. I looked at the Security panel and the permissions are removed again, but strangely I am still able to multibox. So it seems fixed after this. Not sure why it didn't earlier.