
Window Manager: No 4K Fullscreen

DragonRulerX opened this issue · 7 comments

Hi, I recently upgraded to a new PC with new monitors. I'm now running 3x 4K monitors in Windows 11 Pro.

My old rig was using a 720p 32" TV with a 10% downscaling to fit everything within the frame of the bezel. With this I was able to have a window manager template that operated like it was running in Windowed Fullscreen mode, but now that I'm on this new rig I can't seem to figure out what settings need to be made for this same behavior to work. The intention is to have templates that can do full-screen and split-screen configurations on any of the given monitors and to be able to use the window templates to switch between them freely without having to set any one client to windowed fullscreen mode at any given time. Ideally, I'd like said pseudo windowed fullscreen mode to be achievable without having to hide the taskbar since I don't think there's a way to hide the taskbar on a single display.

I've tried adjusting settings with taskbar always shown or always hidden.
I've tried all the different "snap to" options in the template manager.
I've attempted to use negative vertical offsets, but it won't let me resize Y above the 4K limit.
Note: It would be really nice to have the ability to manually specify the X, Y, Height and Width for fine tuning.

Here you can see the bottom of the screen is still showing my desktop background.

Actually, upon further testing it appears this may be a limitation strictly with the Y axis when snapping the full height of the monitor. I can get full coverage with 2 stacked game instances, but I cannot get full coverage with 1 instance trying to be fully vertical.

Healix commented

GW2 limits its window size to your total display size (all screens combined).

If you had a single 100x100 screen for example, you wouldn't be able to stretch GW2 beyond the size of that screen. Place another one to the right of it and your total size would be 200x100, allowing for GW2 to be stretched across both. Place it diagonally and it would be 200x200, allowing GW2 to be double the size of a single screen.

If you were to place a 4th screen above the others, then you would be able to do this. Alternatively, offset the y position or make the resolution smaller than the other screens.

I guess I'm a little confused by that then.

In my present configuration I have 3 identical monitors aligned horizontally with no vertical offsets. Thus, they all should share the same overall "height" and the entire "height" of the set of all displays is therefore constant. GW2 presently understands in Windowed Fullscreen mode how to fill the entire screen when playing on a single account. Therefore, to me, it seems reasonable to assume that there exists an interaction between the game client and the Windows OS that allows for the entirety of a single monitor to be configured to be in use at any given time. This means, at least to me - from a drawing perspective, that there should not exist any restriction on being able to render the game using Gw2Launcher in such a way that can utilize the entire height of the display it is on. However, presently, there is some seemingly arbitrary gap at the bottom of the GW2 window whenever using a template configuration that would span the whole height of the monitor. This was demonstrated above where two stacked game windows had no issue using the whole vertical space, but the single game window spanning the entire height was not able to snap to the bottom of the screen. When I simply do a basic 2 client split screen (left + right) or even a full screen template such that the game client(s) span the whole height of the monitor in either case - the windows fail to snap to the bottom of the screen.

What I understood you describing above implies what I want should be possible. In fact it was possible on my old rig. Unless what you're saying plays in to the fact that the display on the old rig was technically a 1920x1080 resolution but the fact that I downscaled it 10% to fit everything on screen was secretly helping me given the resolution I was drawing on was smaller than what the hardware was reporting back to GW2 which let me draw "full screen" then?

Healix commented

The restriction is just GW2 ensuring that the window remains within the display area. They could remove that restriction if they wanted to.

Open the display settings in Windows to see how your monitors are arranged. The top left most corner to the bottom right most corner is the total display area. That's the maximum size GW2 will allow its window to be, so you'll only be able to go beyond the height of the screen if that screen is less than the height of the total area.

I guess I feel like there's still a miscommunication somewhere in here - or I'm just dumb.

This is the Windowed Fullscreen world.
Notice the complete filling of the screen.

These are the Display settings I have currently.
Notice they are not offset vertically at all.
Largely Irrelevant Note: I said I have 3x 4K monitors and only 2 show here. I have the 3rd monitor, but the RTX 4090 shuts off the 3rd monitor since I have 2 cables running DSC right now, but I'll eventually be down to 1 DSC cable and 2 non-DSC cables so 3x 4K monitors will work. Assume the third will be on the left side of display 1 just like display 2 is right now on the right side of display 1 if you need to for any reason.

This is an example of the templates I want to have working.
Note: C=Center Monitor | R=Right Monitor | #=Number of clients being ran on said monitor

This is what the "edit" screen looks like when viewing R-1
Notice that it is set to fill the whole screen on the right and there are no strange offsets.
This is set to Snap to > Client

Here we see the difference: Left=Windowed Fullscreen | Right=Window Manager Template
Notice the gap at the bottom on the right.

So, I remain confused. In one situation GW2 knows how to fill the screen. In the other - it doesn't. I don't know which side of the fence the real "problem" is either. On one hand it makes sense for it to be a limitation of the GW2 software like you say, but I feel like I can point to Windowed Fullscreen to refute that. Granted, I understand "Windowed" could be coded different from "Windowed Fullscreen". However, on the other hand I could at least claim (from my perspective) that this is a behavioral flaw of Gw2Launcher where there is an error of some kind causing this to happen. I don't want to point fingers because I truly don't know where the fault is. So, I figured more pictures and explanation at the risk of being annoying might help ^^;

That said, it may or may not be possible, but if it were possible to load GW2 w/o the window title bar then I might be able to leverage the normal snapping behaviors and then use the "from current layout" option provided in Gw2Launcher to force it to work? idk - fishing for solutions atm I suppose.

Healix commented

They've specifically limited the maximum size of windowed mode to that of your display area. You can test this yourself by moving the bottom half of the window off the screen, then trying to resize it to reach the top of the screen.

Windowed full screen is different. It's forced to fill the screen by DirectX, but it's also a border-less window, so the limitation would never apply.

The gap is caused by trying to hide the title bar off screen when the window is at its maximum height. If it was possible to remove the title/border, then it could fill the screen, but that's something GW2 would need to support.

Hmm. Well, I've submitted a feature request to ArenaNet to include this option lol.

If you want to follow it - it's located here (Page: 374):