
Forced GFXSettings.Gw2-64.exe.xml Settings

DragonRulerX opened this issue · 3 comments

I'm currently experiencing an odd/buggy behavior.

Something got funky with this last GW2 update where my .dat files didn't update correctly and kind of hung for awhile before I decided to close them like the Gw2Launcher window suggested. However, after this point my accounts wouldn't all open properly with errors like cannot download etc. Another odd behavior was my main account launching, but being lost in a forever minimized state. The game was active, the sound playing, but the game could not be brought to the foreground. This account was set to load in Windowed Fullscreen. So, I figured I might have screwed something up so my response was to delete the Gw2Launcher folders on my PC and to reinitialize everything that way (might have been a better way, but this made sense at the time). Presently, I'm at the point of testing my main account again with the Windowed Fullscreen setting, but this has continued to fail. Every time I change the setting and launch the game it reverts to Fullscreen for some reason with some less than optimal settings too - different from what I had manually configured before.

Any ideas?

I went through a few more settings I thought my have some interesting impacts on the application and I managed to figure out exactly which setting was the issue with a little dumb luck.

Global Settings > General > Windows > Prevent white screens while initially loading > Hide the initial window

When that is checked my application "loads", but then is forced to some nether region where the taskbar knows the game is active and has a live preview of the game window, but cannot under any circumstance bring the application to display in the foreground. For whatever reason this also has the side effects of changing/reverting the "GFXSettings.Gw2-64.exe.xml" equivalent under "%APPDATA%\Roaming\Gw2Launcher\data<#>.xml" somehow.

Even with this off - it seems the launcher does not allow Vertical Sync to remain enabled.

Healix commented

Windows 11? The option to hide the window apparently breaks where the window is positioned on 11. It's a fairly simple option that just makes the window transparent, but causes Gw2Launcher to briefly become the owner of GW2, so Windows might be doing something weird because of that. If this is reproducible, I could strip out the ownership change as a test (a window that isn't responding forces a fake window to appear in its place, unless it has an owner).

Each Local.dat file has to be updated with every patch, otherwise GW2 will show errors. To manually update, right click any account > All > Update. If you're using many Local.dat files, there's an option to allow updating them all at once (Settings > Tools > Local.dat > Allow directly updating), rather than GW2 doing them individually.

GFXSettings.xml is an override for Local.dat. If GW2 hasn't saved its graphics settings to Local.dat, it'll overwrite GFXSettings.xml with the default settings. Right click the account > Selected > Launch (normal), load to character select and change the graphics options you want. Now GFXSettings.xml will work.

Windows 11, yes. Sorry, I should have included that originally.

I'll give the setting configs you've mentioned a shot when I'm back at my computer. I was thinking it might have something to do with the Vertical Sync setting specifically given these were running in Windowed mode as opposed to Fullscreen/Windowed Fullscreen.