
Barrens mini set

Opened this issue · 7 comments

Anyone mind adding the new cards to the version running on Android 10? Thanks a lot

Any news?

@martinbonnin ? Sorry for bothering you, just wanted to know if there's a chance you might take a look. Again, I, and I am sure others, am willing to pay.

Can confirm. I would be willing to pay for a working android version. Monthly or one off payment.

I made a tentative release with the latest cards there: https://github.com/HearthSim/Arcane-Tracker/releases/tag/462

Again I don't have a phone to test with but updating the cards DB is relatively easy so it was worth a try.

Thank you so much! Android 10, it uploads the games to hsreplay and tracks the opponents deck but fails to show my deck.

On 8.1 working like a dream. Android 11 no hearthstone logs found still on my samsung. A friend using a different phone with android 11 has it working fine. I dont understand.

How do I solve hearthstone logs not found issue? Using Android 10 on Huawei phone here