
Some cards from EXPERT1 (classic) are not implemented?

lunjohnzhang opened this issue · 4 comments


I wrote a short script to get some cards I need, but it turns out that the following cards from the EXPERT1 (aka classic) cardset are not implemented (at least their Implemented attribute says so) while the README indicates that all cards from that set should be implemented. Here is the list of cards:

Name: Power of the Wild
Cardset: EXPERT1
ID: EX1_160
Cost: 2
Attack: 0
Health: 0
Text: <b>Choose One -</b> Give your minions +1/+1; or Summon a 3/2 Panther.
Implemented: False

Name: Wrath
Cardset: EXPERT1
ID: EX1_154
Cost: 2
Attack: 0
Health: 0
Text: <b>Choose One -</b>
Deal $3 damage to a minion; or $1 damage
and draw a card. @spelldmg
Implemented: False

Name: Mark of Nature
Cardset: EXPERT1
ID: EX1_155
Cost: 3
Attack: 0
Health: 0
Text: <b>Choose One -</b> Give a minion +4 Attack; or +4 Health and <b>Taunt</b>.
Implemented: False

Name: Keeper of the Grove
Cardset: EXPERT1
ID: EX1_166
Cost: 4
Attack: 2
Health: 2
Text: <b>Choose One -</b> Deal_2_damage; or <b>Silence</b> a minion.
Implemented: False

Name: Nourish
Cardset: EXPERT1
ID: EX1_164
Cost: 6
Attack: 0
Health: 0
Text: <b>Choose One -</b> Gain 2_Mana Crystals; or Draw 3 cards.
Implemented: False

Name: Starfall
Cardset: EXPERT1
ID: NEW1_007
Cost: 5
Attack: 0
Health: 0
Text: <b>Choose One -</b>
Deal $5 damage to a minion; or $2 damage to all enemy minions. @spelldmg
Implemented: False

Name: Ancient of Lore
Cardset: EXPERT1
ID: NEW1_008
Cost: 7
Attack: 5
Health: 5
Text: <b>Choose One -</b> Draw a card; or Restore #5 Health.
Implemented: False

Name: Ancient of War
Cardset: EXPERT1
ID: EX1_178
Cost: 7
Attack: 5
Health: 5
Text: <b>Choose One -</b>
+5 Attack; or +5 Health and <b>Taunt</b>.
Implemented: False

Name: Cenarius
Cardset: EXPERT1
ID: EX1_573
Cost: 9
Attack: 5
Health: 8
Text: <b>Choose One -</b> Give your other minions +2/+2; or Summon two 2/2 Treants with <b>Taunt</b>.
Implemented: False

I am using Cards.FromName() to get the cards and print their attributes.

My questions:

  1. Are these cards actually implemented?
  2. Is there an efficient way to check whether they are actually implemented?

Sabberstone version: 2.1 (latest from master branch)
OS: Ubuntu 20.04

  1. Yes. ChooseOne cards are implemented in the way by implementing effects of each variant separately. For instance, you can find EX1_573a and EX1_573b are implemented properly.
  2. If your criteria only detects the cards you lists, I think you can check each choice of chooseone cards (_a, _b, ...).
  1. Do you mean EX1_573 uses the effect implemented EX1_573a and EX1_573b? Then can I, for example, use EX1_573 regardless of the Implemented attribute?
  2. I see. Thank you.

Ah, yes. I misunderstood that they are marked as Implemented. This should be fixed.

No problem. Thank you very much.