
Multi-thread unsafe cards

rnilva opened this issue · 4 comments

Taking a card(s) from the deck

  • Patches the Pirate
  • Madam Goya
  • Finja, the Flying Star
  • Quick Shot
  • Slam
  • Cult Master
  • ...

Choice generating cards

  • Shadow Visions
  • Kazakus
  • Adapt cards
  • ...

Reason Unknown

  • Ethereal Arcanist, Alarm-o-Bot (MaxExecution / crash also happens on single thread)
  • Rarely a minion is contained in BoardZone and GraveyardZone simultaneously => infinite loop of death process (this also happens on single thread) (Observed source : Maelstrom Portal / Totems from Wicked Witchdoctor / games where DK card appears)

What's the reason for closing this issue?

With recent repairing of cloning issues in sub-tasks, cards in the first category (and also some 2nd category cards) no longer throwing bugs. Kazakus is not yet fixed, but it would be fixed soon because the shared resource for Kazakus is already founded. (KazakusPotionSpells)
I think I hurriedly closed this issue, so I opened it again, sorry for any confusion.

no problem, i'll adjust the first post to track which cards are confirmed fixed.
please update that list by enabling/disabling the correct checkbox.