
Overconfident Orc has a low priority

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Am i crazy or should a Pack Tactics copy of overconfident orc at full health have a 5/3 statline?
An Overconfident Orc copied by Pack Tactics is a 3/3.

Somewhat widely reported. I've been avoiding aura bugs for a while and there are a few people guessing at this one, but there's a dev comment:

Yep, Overconfident Orc's buff was too low priority. Should be fixed in the next major patch!

Also checked, it's not behaving like an Enrage minion. Setting the attack, damaging it, then healing it will not cause the text to overwrite the applied enchantment:

Hearthstone Screenshot 04-17-20 10 25 28
Hearthstone Screenshot 04-17-20 10 25 57