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Register New Business

POST to https://bw-replate.herokuapp.com/api/auth/business/register

Takes an object including:

    username: "bussinessUsername",
    password: "pass",
    organization_name: "alskjdflaksjdf"
    address: "1234 Somewhere Place, New York, NY 12345",
    email: "wecare@helpinghandcharity.com",
    phone: 55

You will be returned the newly created user object as well as a JWT

Login Existing Business

POST to https://bw-replate.herokuapp.com/api/auth/business/login

Takes an object including:

    username: "businessUsername",
    password: "pass"

You will be returned a JWT

Register New Volunteer

POST to https://bw-replate.herokuapp.com/api/auth/volunteer/register

Takes an object including:

    username: "volunteerUsername",
    password: "pass",
    organization_name: "alskjdflaksjdf"
    address: "1234 Somewhere Place, New York, NY 12345",
    email: "wecare@helpinghandcharity.com",
    phone: 55

You will be returned the newly created user object as well as a JWT

Login Existing Volunteer

POST to https://bw-replate.herokuapp.com/api/auth/volunteer/login

Takes an object including:

    username: "volunteerUsername",
    password: "pass"

You will be returned a JWT

Post a new food item to be donated

POST to https://bw-replate.herokuapp.com/api/food

Takes a JWT and an object including:

	name: "New Food Item",
	time: "113033",
	description: "Wow look at this food to be donated",
	is_claimed: "0", //0 if false, 1 if true
	pickup_date: “01/01/2019

You will be returned the newly created food object including:

    name: "New Food Item",
    time: "113033",
    description: "Wow look at this food to be donated",
    is_claimed: “0", //0 if false, 1 if true",
    pickup_date: “01/01/2019,
    business_id: 7, //automatically assigned according to provided JWT
    volunteer_id: null //will be assigned when claimed by a volunteer

Update food item info

PUT to https://bw-replate.herokuapp.com/api/food/:id //where id is food's ID

Takes a JWT and an object containing any of the existing food properties that are to be updated.

Delete food item

DELETE to https://bw-replate.herokuapp.com/api/food/:id //where id is food's ID

Takes a JWT

Get all food items in database

GET to https://bw-replate.herokuapp.com/api/food

Requires JWT

Will be returned an array with food objects.

Get all food items owned by logged in business

GET to https://bw-replate.herokuapp.com/api/food/business

Requires JWT

Will be returned an array with food objects.

Get all food items claimed by the logged in volunteer

GET to https://bw-replate.herokuapp.com/api/food/volunteer

Requires JWT

Will be returned an array with food objects.

Claim a food item (volunteer)

PUT to https://bw-replate.herokuapp.com/api/food/claim/:id

Requires JWT and object including:

    is_claimed: 1 //0 for false, 1 for true

When claimed, food object's volunteer_id will be assigned the value of the volunteers ID by decoding the provided JWT.

When unclaimed, volunteer_id will be set to null and is_claimed will be set back to 0.

Will be return 1 if modified or a 0 if nothing was modified.