.so files for Mac OS X architecture?

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Are there any .so files for Mac OS X architecture? I have ROS and all the necessary dependencies installed on Mac and all I need is the .so file. All the existing files in the lib folder are all for Linux.

Hey Connor,

This isn't a configuration which we support, but you can use the libhebi.X.dylib binary located at docs.hebi.us . We are actually in the process of targeting a newer version of libhebi for the ROS API at the moment. IIRC, the libhebi version currently used is 1.2.0, which you can find here.

Is it required to link the compiled hebiros_node executable to the libhebi.so file or can I use the .dylib file as a replacement? Do I need to link the executable at all to run this for ROS? All the HEBI ROS files compile successfully but cmake fails on this last linking step.

On mac you can use the .dylib instead of the libhebi.so file, but you do need to link in this library to run the hebiros_node.

However, with a recent change to develop, we have removed the libhebi files from this repository and used the ones in the hebi_cpp_api ROS package. This means that the ROS supported configurations will now work more easily out-of-the-box, but you will have to manually edit the hebi_cpp_api ROS package to enable this to work on macOS.

(We support the architectures that the ROS buildfarm builds for Kinetic http://wiki.ros.org/kinetic , and the hebi_cpp_api ROS package supports Melodic as well, but unfortunately macOS is not in the ROS build farm so we cannot release binary packages for this system. We do not have a macOS ROS system here at the current time, so cannot develop/debug this configuration at the current time. )