
Doesn't seem to work with the latest version of GLFW and ImGui

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Some files moved around in ImGui which was easy to fix, however GLFW gives a lot of unresolved external symbol errors which I haven't been able to easily figure out and don't have the time to mess around with at the moment.

Should mention this is on a windows 10 pc in case it works fine on other platforms!


Hey Calum,

Thanks for pointing out this problem. I haven't been actively working on this project for a while now, so I missed your issue and pr. If you want, you can reopen the pr so I can merge it!


Sorry for the slow reply! I have remade the pull request, however, I'm not sure if I have linked it to the issue properly! I just updated it originally while I was having a look at how it worked! Might as well share things like that and help anyone who comes across it in my opinion!

Thank you for taking the time!

I'll test it out on Linux right now. As for linking the issue, just adding Closes #2 to the description instead of the title should do the job.

Thanks for fixing this issue!