`integrated.refl` shoeboxes are mostly zeros
kmdalton opened this issue · 1 comments
kmdalton commented
in the integration output, integrated.refl
only about the first 800 shoeboxes have nonzero values
i used this snippet:
refls = flex.reflection_table.from_file("dials_temp_files/integrated.refl")
nonzero = []
for i in range(len(refls)):
data = refls['shoebox'][i].data.as_numpy_array()
nonzero.append((data != 0).sum())
to count nonzero pixels in each shoebox. appears most of the shoeboxes are all zeros:
the intensities seem all good though. they merged just fine. i couldn't easily ascertain the source of this bug, but maybe you have some thoughts, @PrinceWalnut.
PrinceWalnut commented
This issue has to deal with the old DIALS integrator, which is now removed. The extra spots with shoeboxes of 0 are simply unrefined spots left in the reflection table.