
4.4.0 failing to install on Windows 10

Closed this issue · 3 comments

The JHelioviewer 4.4.0 windows installer fails with the message "Files\JHelioviewer.install4j\i4j_extf_1_1gymj79_6dc3o4.png Could not created this file."

I'm running the installer as Administrator, and have Norton 360 off.

How to proceed?

There must be something else interfering with the installation process. A clean Windows 10 installation does not exhibit this error.

I regularly re-install on Windows and don't see this problem. I tried canceling the installation process at several stages and could not reproduce. Either there was an external interference from something like an antivirus program, or there is/was a bug in the generated installation program.

Closing this, please reopen if it happens again and there is a way to reproduce it.