
This is a platform agnositc application framework that is built to be robust and enforce proper code and language practices

Primary LanguageC#GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

The Shield.Framework

This is a platform agnositc application framework that combines ideologies from the following:

  • The Microsoft MVC framework
  • The Prism Library
  • The Caliburn.Micro framework
  • The CODE.Framework
  • The Calcium.Core framework
  • The MVVMLight framework

Supported features:

  • Application bootstrapping
    • Platform agnostic entry-points
  • Application extensibility (Plugin/Module)
  • Inversion of Control (Dependency Injection)
    • Built-in IoC Container (Defualt)
    • Ninject
    • Unity
  • Messaging aggrigation
    • Publish–subscribe pattern
    • Ability to utilize a Message broker service
      • Built-in Message broker service (Default)
      • RabbitMQ
      • ZeroMQ
  • Thread dispatching
    • UI
    • Background
    • Seperate SynchronizationContext
  • Supported data serialization formats
    • XML
    • Json
    • Binary
    • ProtoBuf
    • MsgPack
  • Static variable/parameter guard system
  • Static IoC Container access
  • Static platform functionality access
    • Thread dispatching
    • Environement information
      • Operating system
      • Runtime
    • Storage
      • Private/Isolated
      • Local
      • Network
      • Virtual filesystem aggregation (VFS)
        • Ability to mount storage points
        • Access all storage under one directory structure

Supported Platforms:

  • Windows*
  • Linux*
  • MacOS*
  • Android*
  • iOS*
  • Web (application and api)*
  • Monogame

*planned to be implemented

The included sandboxes show a default/empty application for each platform


  • To-do


  • To-do

Code of Conduct

Please read CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md for details on our code of conduct.


Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on the process for submitting pull requests to us.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


License: GPL v3