
Support for passing 'attribute' argument to get_state

insertjokehere opened this issue ยท 5 comments

get_state supports an attribute kwarg (https://appdaemon.readthedocs.io/en/latest/AD_API_REFERENCE.html#state-operations) but when running automations that use this under the test framework, I get an error:

TypeError: <lambda>() got an unexpected keyword argument 'attribute'

Good catch!
It is indeed not supported, the mock function taking care of mocking get_state only takes one single argument: https://github.com/FlorianKempenich/Appdaemon-Test-Framework/blob/347a02a05d9f6367efa909d6a6517e747df8f318/appdaemontestframework/given_that.py#L12

  • I could add a quick fix to allow multiple arguments, but ignore all except the entity_id.
  • Or we could find a way to actually mock the behavior.

Going the second path, we would need to clarify what exactly is expected from these 2 extra options: attribute and namespace.
Could you provide me with examples of how you use them in your automations?

I use them in a couple of different places, the easiest example is with plant entities - the way this behaves is that the state is either ok or problem, to work out what the actual issue is you need to look at the problems attribute, so a minimal automation looks something like:

class PlantMonitor:

    def initialize(self):
        self.listen_state(self.on_state_change, "plant.some_plant", attribute="problems")

    def on_state_change(self, entity, attribute, old, new, kwargs):
        if 'low battery' in new:
            self.call_service("notify/some_device", ....)
        if 'low moisture' in new:
            self.call_service("notify/some_device", ....)

Strictly, state attributes and state are two different properties of an entity and can exist at the same time, so it might be worth adding something to the given_that().state_of(...).is_set_to(...) structure to allow this to be set.

Will see what I can to putting a patch together

I use it to poll

def get_average_change(self):
    stats_sensor = self.get_state(
            self.args["stats_sensor"], attribute="average_change")
    if (stats_sensor == 'unknown' or stats_sensor is None):
        return 0
    return int(float(stats_sensor))```

Where stats sensor is a https://www.home-assistant.io/components/sensor.statistics/ sensor. Ran into the same error, trying to write tests for it. It's part of my hygrostat app.

Hey @insertjokehere @sj3fk3

Sorry for the late response, I've been slightly overwhelmed Q1 of this year. I finally found the time to add features I had in the works for quite some time:

Definitely check them out, they're pretty neat ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
I imported this from a separate project and most of the work was to figure out how to use a 'dev' version of a library in said project (git submodules FTW). This wasn't really related with the issue, but I thought I'd share.

That previous part being done, I then took a look at this attributes issue. . . and it turns out it's an easy fix ==> Version v2.3.0 now support passing 'attribute' to get_state ๐Ÿ˜ƒ- See Doc

Thanks for the examples, they were really helpful for me to understand the use-case.

I'd love if you could let me know if the implementation matches your need ๐Ÿ˜‰
Thanks for checking out my project ๐Ÿ˜‰

@FlorianKempenich Thanks! Will give it a go over the weekend