
Global dependencies (such as helper scripts) cannot be used.

timvancann opened this issue · 1 comments

AppDaemon has a concept of module dependencies via a separate directive: https://appdaemon.readthedocs.io/en/latest/APPGUIDE.html#global-module-dependencies in addition to normal module dependencies (which cause the same issue).

AppDaemon modifies the PYTHONPATH such that it appears these modules are actual packages. Not only makes this development more difficult (since the imports are in fact invalid during development time) but it also makes it impossible to use this nice test framework.

Is there a way to solve this?

Hey 👋

For now, you can consider this project unmaintained, unfortunately.

I haven't had time to maintain this repo in the last few years, in good parts because I moved home and I haven't had a HomeAssistant setup for a very long time. So I'm a bit disconnected with the latest updates, and it's a huge overhead to start everything again, get context and understand how to fix issues on this project

However, I've finally taken the task to set up my server at home again, so I'll probably use this project for my own use again soon.

This means I may bring this project up-to-date in the next few months. No guarantees, obviously, but I may.
