
Deckpad still tells me to run ./initialize_after_os_update.sh after doing it

xJusteen47 opened this issue · 4 comments

When i run the shell command, it gives me a bunch of errors downloading files from various sources and then after it ends it tells me to press enter to continue. I do that but nothing happens.

When i open deckpad it tells me still that i have to run it first.

so I can't use deckpad

Did you use the lastest version?

I fixed a similar issue a few weeks ago, it started appearing after Steam OS 3.5 was released

If you are using the lastest version, could you share the errors you're getting?

Also what could happen is that the sudo session times out after refreshing the keys, then it asks for the password again. If not provided, it will timeout.

In that scenario, relaunching the script would end up in the same situation. Since it's quite annoying to keep an eye on the script to see if it would ask for a password a second time, I've added an option to skip the refresh keys step.

If you've run the script once and the refresh keys step worked (the gpg errors are expected), then you can just run

./initialize_after_os_update.sh --skip-refresh-keys

This will be much quicker, hopefully that works for you. If other people have a similar issue, I may consider streamlining the installation process

Oh no! My bad !!

I found the problem, it was 100% on my end. Thank you for reporting it!

I'll push a fix in a minute

To solve the sudo timeout mentioned above I added a prompt that says:

| Press Enter to continue... |

But I forgot to remove a line that was there while I was testing things exit 0, that basically ends the script and never installs the required dependencies. So, with or without the option mentioned above, nothing would happen after you press Enter.

This should fix the issue: fba422f

Just pull the project to get this change and run

./initialize_after_os_update.sh --skip-refresh-keys

The option --skip-refresh-keys skips the super long step that was already done the first time you ran the script.

I'm closing the issue for now, but if it's still not working, for some reason, feel free to re-open. Thanks again for letting me know I haven't used Deckpad in a while myself, so it could have taken me a few weeks, or months, to notice that.