
'Download Android package' link nearly impossible to click

anoadragon453 opened this issue · 7 comments

Something up with the way Android handles links. It's possible after tapping the link 5-7 times, but most users will think the button is broken before then.

Would help with lowering the barrier to adoption :)

According to this blog post it may have to do with the :hover CSS attribute of the button preventing the link from being clicked later.

I also notice the same inability to press the "Confirm to change this site's max size to 20MB" ZeroNet notification on Android. The button is highlighted, but can almost never be actually clicked after that.

I have no Android phone, but I tried to reproduce it with browserstack.com emulator without any success. What Android version / browser are you using?

Interesting, so this problem only seems to occur in Firefox for Android. In Chrome it works fine. I am using the latest Firefox version 57.0.1.

I have no Android phone

You don't need to.

To emulate mobile rendering, use the Responsive Design Mode in Firefox.

I was able to reproduce it in Firefox and find the problem: for some reasons Firefox does not respected pointer-events: none on the hidden language menu. Added max-height: 0px, works for me in the responsive design mode. Please confirm if it's fixed on mobile.

Yes, I can confirm this is now fixed!

My only concern is now that I still cannot click on notification banners on ZeroHello (or any other ZeroNet site using ZeroNet notifications) on mobile Firefox, while I can on Chrome. This leads me to believe that it is the same issue, however I will now close this issue and create a new one on the main repo.