Linkedin Kind Of Intro Animation


Step 1 : Download code

Step 2 : Change Image which you want to display and Change text which you want to display above image. Please change it from below array

    let arrIntro: [IntroModel] = [IntroModel(title: "Sample text for Page 1", icon: "welcome-one"),
                                  IntroModel(title: "Sample text for Page 2", icon: "welcome-two"),
                                  IntroModel(title: "Sample text for Page 3", icon: "welcome-three"),
                                  IntroModel(title: "Sample text for Page 4", icon: "welcome-four")]


LinkedInIntroAnimation is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

LinkedInIntroAnimation UI Code structure and business logic

  1. README - It contains how to run the code, explain project structure, it's dependancy, pod file, unit test case etc.
  2. LinkedInIntroAnimation - Contains all UI Component, View, Model, Viewmodel, .Plist File, Assets,