
Middleware Exercises

Create a new Express app and make base routes for each of these functionalities.

Note: Even though many of these functionalities could technically be created without middleware, as our projects ramp up in complexity, it is far cleaner to implement your app's routing with middleware.

/animal - Valid animal tester.


Create an array or an object and fill it with strings representing animal species (e.g. 'zebra', 'tiger', etc.).

When you query your localhost app at the route /animal, appending an animal's name (e.g. localhost:3000/animal/lion), you should return a boolean as a response - true or false depending on whether their second parameter (lion) can be found in your animal list. Your response should be in this format:

  status: "success",
  message: true

Create a middleware function, isAnimal, to check if the requested animal is in the list and route the user's request accordingly. As your user doesn't need to update, delete, or add information, this can be a GET request.


Create an input and a button. Clicking on the button should send a request to this endpoint. Display the result using whatever UI you want to.

/random - Random number picker.


The user should be able to query /random with two additional request parameters: A floor and a ceiling, both integers. Create a route that accepts a GET request to pick a random number between the floor and the ceiling.

For example, the request at localhost:3000/random?floor=10&ceil=23 should return a random number between 10 and 23. The response should look like this:

  status: "success",
  range: [10, 23],
  randPick: 17

In order to help us pick a random number, we first need to assemble an array with each number in between the numbers in our range. Create a middleware function generateSpread which assembles an array of all integers between the two inputs. Once you've assembled this array, send your response with a random choice from it.


Create two additional inputs and an additional button. Clicking the button should call the endpoint with the floor and ceiling from the inputs, then display the result.

/queue - Queue manager.


Create an array full of strings representing people's names in some kind of line (or queue). Account for three additional URL parameters: /peek, /enqueue, and /dequeue. These should access and modify the array in the same ways that you'd access and modify a queue. For our purposes, the end of the array will represent the front of the queue. For example, with the array ['xavier', 'michelle', 'corey', 'reed']:

  • localhost:3000/queue/peek would return the response:
 status: "success",
 data: "reed"
  • localhost:3000/queue/enqueue?name=elle would return the response:
  status: "success",
  enqueued: "elle"

And should add "elle" to the queue at the end. Behind the scenes, the queue is:

["elle", "xavier", "michelle", "corey", "reed"];
  • localhost:3000/queue/dequeue would return the response:
  status: "success",
  dequeued: "reed"

And should modify the array to be:

["elle", "xavier", "michelle", "corey"];

Create a middleware function, handleQueue, that performs the appropriate action on the array depending on which URL parameters are queried.


Add another input and buttons for "peek", "enqueue", and "dequeue".