
Encoder dependencies

EhsanVahab opened this issue · 8 comments

Dear @HermanChen, thanks for your great job.
I'm going to use mpp in my C++ Project to encode my stream frames.
every thing is clear and works pretty well in mpi_enc_test.c but I wonder which libraries and header files have to be linked and included in my project? for example libmpp.so or so on.
is there any api documentation for ?
I'm not utilizing CMake for my project and need to put everything in my makefile.

The header in directory inc is just enough for common usage.
And you can use header in osal/inc to get more functions.
Document is attached.
The Makefile is also provided if you want to use mpp in linux environment.
There are debian directory for reference.


Dear @HermanChen, thanks for your quick response.
I wonder is there any detailed document for MppApi and MppCtx and their functions?
for example I have to guess the MppApi::control's function. or spend long time to review the code to deeply understand.

emmm... the document was not updated for a long time. Just check the comment in code for its usage.

dear @HermanChen
thanks for your comment.
I installed mpp on a virtual machine with ubuntu 18. ==>this is my programming environment.
then I wrote a simple c++ program to take advantage of MPP library. every thing is ok and my code compiled and run successfully with g++.

when I move my code on Firefly AIO-3399ProC , it is built but I face runtime error : undefined symbol: mpp_spinlock_lock

I post my Makefile and I deeply appreciate if you make me write.

LDFLAGS=-lrockchip_mpp -lutils -lm -lopencv_core  -lpthread -lopencv_imgproc -lopencv_highgui -lopencv_ml -lopencv_videoio -lopencv_imgcodecs
LIBDIR=-L/home/firefly/Project/mpp/build/lib -L/usr/local/lib 
INCDIR= -I/home/firefly/Project/mpp/inc -I/home/firefly/Project/mpp/utils -I/home/firefly/Project/mpp/osal/inc

default : enc

enc : enc.o 
	g++  -o $@ $^  $(INCDIR) $(LIBDIR) $(LDFLAGS) 

%.o : %.cpp
	g++  -c  $(INCDIR) $(LIBDIR) $(LDFLAGS) $(CFLAGS)  -o $@ $<

clean :
	rm -f *.o enc

dear @HermanChen thanks for your comment. I installed mpp on a virtual machine with ubuntu 18. ==>this is my programming environment. then I wrote a simple c++ program to take advantage of MPP library. every thing is ok and my code compiled and run successfully with g++.

when I move my code on Firefly AIO-3399ProC , it is built but I face runtime error : undefined symbol: mpp_spinlock_lock

I post my Makefile and I deeply appreciate if you make me write.

LDFLAGS=-lrockchip_mpp -lutils -lm -lopencv_core  -lpthread -lopencv_imgproc -lopencv_highgui -lopencv_ml -lopencv_videoio -lopencv_imgcodecs
LIBDIR=-L/home/firefly/Project/mpp/build/lib -L/usr/local/lib 
INCDIR= -I/home/firefly/Project/mpp/inc -I/home/firefly/Project/mpp/utils -I/home/firefly/Project/mpp/osal/inc

default : enc

enc : enc.o 
	g++  -o $@ $^  $(INCDIR) $(LIBDIR) $(LDFLAGS) 

%.o : %.cpp
	g++  -c  $(INCDIR) $(LIBDIR) $(LDFLAGS) $(CFLAGS)  -o $@ $<

clean :
	rm -f *.o enc

the root cause was the firefly ubuntu version has its own default rockchip's mpp. and it's not compatible with the latest version

dear @HermanChen
thanks for your great example in mpi_enc_test.c
I finally could make a c++ simple project and take advantage of Opencv.
it may be useful for others who are interested to develop IOT streaming projects with Opencv and rockchip's processors.


Nice work : )