
Unable to connect to server when changing game ports

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Looking to run the server on non-default ports and I cannot seem to connect to the server or see it in the list of servers.


docker run -d \
-e 'SERVER_NAME=TestMap' \
-e 'GAME_CLIENT_PORT=4000' \
-e 'UDP_SOCKET_PORT=4001' \
-e 'SERVER_LIST_PORT=4002' \
-p '4000:4000/udp' \
-p '4001:4001/udp' \
-p '4002:4002/udp' \
-v $(pwd):/app \

With this config I can see the game listening on the right port (netstat within the container), the port mappings are setup correctly (docker ps), and the game log is reporting the correct command line:

2022-12-05 07:52:35: Running /app/server/ShooterGame/Binaries/Linux/ShooterGameServer TheCenter\?SessionName=TestMap\?ServerPassword=\?ServerAdminPassword=\?MaxPlayers=20\?GameModIds\?Port=4000\?QueryPort=4002\?RCONEnabled=True\?RCONPort=27020\?listen -log -log

However I am unable to connect to the server via the steam server UI and I am unable to find the game in the ARK client. I have port forwarding in place for these ports and the machine, but I am unable to even connect locally (docker running on the same machine).

I have also tried removing the default EXPOSE settings to see if they are interfering.

Has anyone tried this before and got it working?

Edit: One question I have is the Dockerfile takes a config GAME_CLIENT_PORT, which defaults to 7777, however when this variable is used in the arkmanager.cfg a comment states that the default is 7778. Is this expected?

Seems like an issue with Linux clients or Steam on Linux. Windows clients are able to see the server and connect.