
errors in log, can't see server

moonpost opened this issue · 3 comments

no idea what this means, but my ports are open, cannot see or log into server. my other game server in docker is working fine.

ark_server_island  | Signal 11 caught.
ark_server_island  | /usr/local/bin/arkmanager: line 1314: 64861 Segmentation fault      "$arkserverroot/$arkserverexec" "$arkserveropts" "${arkextraopts[@]}"
ark_server_island  | 2023-04-03 22:34:17: Bad PID ''; expected '64861'
ark_server_island  | 2023-04-03 22:34:17: exited with status 0
ark_server_island  | 2023-04-03 22:34:17: restarting server
ark_server_island  | 2023-04-03 22:34:17: Running /app/server/ShooterGame/Binaries/Linux/ShooterGameServer TheIsland\?SessionName=REDACTED\?ServerPassword=REDACTED\?ServerAdminPassword=REDACTED\?MaxPlayers=10\?GameModIds\?GameModIds\?Port=7777\?QueryPort=27015\?RCONEnabled=True\?RCONPort=27020\?listen -log -log
ark_server_island  | 2023-04-03 22:34:17: Server PID: 66671
ark_server_island  | [S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed.

rebuilt the docker image/container and no longer get that error. BUT I still CANNOT see/login to my server. what is going on? gosh this is so frustrating. I've been troubleshooting for days. I'm running a valheim docker on the same rig and no issues.

is it possible for us to set a longer timeout on the ARK server?

still times out...